6 Best Vitamins For Your Skin

We’ll go through all the usual suspects like Vitamin C & D. But how much do you know about Vitamin E? Which vitamin protects your skin from aging? Wait, is there actually a Vitamin F? We’re talking about all that AND more…

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#BestVitaminsForSkin #VitaminsForSkin #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Vitamin E – 00:30
Vitamin B – 01:56
Vitamin D – 03:26
Vitamin C – 05:19
Vitamin A – 05:54
Vitamin F – 07:01


1. Vitamin E
We don’t talk about Vitamin E enough. It’s one of the lesser appreciated vitamins out there. Well I’m here to change that, folks! Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that fights inflammation, and its one your skin desperately needs.

2. Vitamin B
Vitamin B refers to a group of Vitamins rather than a single one. A group of 8 to be exact. There’s B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. It gets pretty confusing. Each has their own really scientific name that’s hard to pronounce.

3. Vitamin D
Ah yes, the famous nutrient nobody gets enough of. Vitamin D is known for a lot of good things. For one, it strengthens your immune system, while making your teeth, bones and muscles stronger. But do you know about how it protects your skin?

4. Vitamin C
We talked about collagen a little earlier, right? Well it’s time to bring it back. Vitamin C carries antioxidants that boost your collagen production.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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