Top 10suprising Benefits of Tomato |Health videos in hindi|Benefits of eating tomato|domestic doctor

Top 10suprising Benefits of Tomato | Health videos in hindi | Benefits of eating tomato|

दोस्तों इस वीडियो में हमने विस्तार से बताया है कि टमाटर खाने से आपके शरीर को कौन कौन से स्वास्थ्य लाभ होते हैं।
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health benefits of eating tomatoes , टमाटर खाने के 10 फायदे,
स्किन के लिए (for Skin), हड्डियों को मजबूत बनाएँ (for Bones), नेत्र दृष्टि में सुधार लाएं (for Eyes), बालों की समस्याओं पर रोक लगाए (for Hair), रक्त-शर्करा स्तर को कम करने के लिए (Diabetes), कैंसर से बचाव (for Cancer Cure), वजन घटाने में मददगार हैं (Weight Loss), नींद को बढ़ावा देने के लिए (for Sleep), उच्च रक्तचाप को कम करें (Good for Low Blood Pressure), सूजन को दूर करने में (for Inflammation), tomatoes for weight loss and fat loss, tomato in hindi, tomato ke fayde, tomato khane ke fayde

=》This video contains health benefits of tomato :-
*Tomato contains vitamin C, E, A, B6 and potassium.
*This increases overall immunity and prevents many diseases.
*Tomato keeps our heart healthy. It reduces cholesterol and regulates Blood Pressure.
*Tomato is very helpful in weight loss. Drink tomato juice in the breakfast to burn fat very fast.
*Tomato contains vitamin K which is very helpful in maintaining the health of our hair.
*It also makes our bones strong.
*Tomato strengthens our digestive system.
*Tomato is a natural remedy for Anemia.
*It reduces open pores and gives a radiant glow to the skin
*Vitamin A in tomatoes protects your hair from external damages as well.
*The Lycopene in tomatoes is reported to cvontrol the growth of cancer cells, especially prostate, stomach and colorectal cancer.
*Tomatoes helps to protect the body from the adverse effects of cigarette.
*To absorb Vitamin C into the system, the tomatoes need to be taken rew, so bring on the salads.
*Vitamin A, Vitamin B and potassium in tomatoes help tp decrease your cholesterol levels and blood.

Before we start, here is a quick rundown of the nutrition to be found in tomatoes. They contain vitamins A, E, K, B1,B3, B5, B6, B7 and a bunch of vitamin C. Some of the important minerals in tomatoes include folate, iron, potassium, magnesium, chromium, choline, zinc and phosphorous. Lycopene is the main antioxidant found in tomatoes; it is what gives the fruit its red color. But tomatoes also contain the antioxidants beta-carotene, naringenin, and chlorogenic acid.
This level of nutrition is pretty impressive for a fruit that is comprised of 95% water! The other 5% is mostly fiber and carbs. A medium-sized tomato has just 22 calories, so it definitely won’t derail your diet. Let’s find out what all that good stuff can do for your body.
Cardiovascular Health
Reduced Risk of Diabetes
Bone Health
Cancer Prevention
Healthy Mind
Healthy Skin & Hair


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