Vitamin D and COVID: Evidence Vitamin D Could Reduce The Risk of COVID Deaths By 60%

New Study from Barcelona Spain finds that Vitamin D could reduce the risk of COVID deaths by 60%

Here is a vitamin D study from Barcelona. With, great results. Takeaway is that the baseline levels of vitamin D should be correct in all of us. It improves our chances of survival and could reduce the risk of severe disease and death by 60%.

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Also, soon at the admission in a hospital correcting the vitamin D levels is crucial. Authors found that the vitamin D levels corrected in the ICU did not have a large impact compared to the levels corrected earlier in the wards.
However, there are certain limitations of the study that are reducing its impact.

Some limitations:
It is not really an RCT. Instead it is some sort of possibly random cluster trial.
Study seems to change protocol of the Vitamin D administration.
Study is not in the study registry for some reason.
Authors say that it is an observational open randomized trial. While they write it as an RCT.
Still the results are in line with the way vitamin D’s effect should be.

A critique and discussion of the study’s limitations

Author’s response

A review of the Vitamin D studies. Check the comments.

Vitamin D levels and sources

Vitamin D levels for various illnesses

Vitamin D levels conversion

A study finds the correct levels of vitamin D

DrBeen’s Vitamin D Mechanism Video

Immune system modulation

DrBeen’s Vitamin D High Dose Study

Why vitamin D doesn’t work correctly in polluted environments?

Studies showing Vitamin C and D function

What Vitamin D Level Reduces The Risk of Death From COVID-19? A New Study From Boston University

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