Your COVID-19 Questions Answered (Open Forum Feb 8th 2021)

Your COVID-19 Questions Answered (Open Forum Feb 8th 2021)

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Fluvoxamine reduces COVID symptoms

Can MMR vaccine be protective (according to this analysis and exploration)?

Low serotonin levels cause depression

SSRIs like Fluvoxamine help keep Serotonin in the synapses for a longer period of time

How will the mRNA from the vaccine degrade?
DrBeen video

Do increased B vitamin levels have something to do with the long-haul syndrome?

Antiphospholipid antibodies and COVID-19

Maybe, may not be

Do we need to pay for the submissions in journals?

Does Novavax use Saponin adjuvant? (yes)

What are saponins?

Do all RNA viruses have RdRp?

RdRp blockers

Ivermectin can cause testicular dysfunction

Mouth washes that may inactivate COVID

Latest studies on asymptomatic transmission?

#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID