How Simple Daily Habits Can Optimize Your Mental Wellness This Winter (2021)

Have you ever wondered why donuts or cookies miraculously make us feel better? Why the words “winter” and “blues” go hand in hand? Or why we feel so much better after a good work-out?

If the winter months get you down or leave you feeling fatigued and lacking motivation, you’re not alone! As a nutritionist, I hear the following comments all the time: “I feel so down all winter,” “No matter what I do, I can’t get out of this funk,” or “I just can’t handle going to work and coming home in the dark every day.”

If these sound like words you are known to utter, I’ve got great news for you – you can do something about it!

Start taking action with the simple daily habits discussed in this week’s blog to wash away the winter blues and optimize your mental wellness this winter.

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