Sleep apnea = B1 deficiency. Omega-3. Vitamin D against heart problems. Bad leaders. Ivermectin etc

Late upload today due to that I had to babysit the dog. She isn’t feeling great, but will hopefully feel better soon.

Dr Eric Berg: Sleep apnea due to B1 deficiency
which might be caused by high blood sugar

Ken D Berry:
7 Best Sources of DHA/EPA: Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids

“patients with vitamin D supplementation had lower total in-hospital mortality (6.5 vs. 9.4%, odds ratio: 0.67, p less than 0.001)”

Nothing about how much vitamin D they took.

First when the ones in charge start to die, they start to consider medicines that might be very helpful:

But Slovakia actually approved ivermectin even before that:

33% less infections, but only 14 days after vaccination in Israel:

While India got natural immunity:

Some other promising treatments:

Novel angiotensin II receptor type 2 C21 delivers on its pulmonary protective promises in randomized controlled trial (n=106), with a 90% reduction in need for O2 supplementation (p=.003).

The 6 colchicine studies of Covid hospitalized patients leave minimal statistical uncertainty about a positive therapeutic effect:

People flee Beijing Biden’s USA:

Libtards don’t want the people to have cash and independence from the oppressive government:

“alternative” media in Sweden is getting stronger:

A Swedish movement not exactly like what Dr VA Shiva is pushing, but similar:
(in Swedish)
We need to get more independent from our non-helpful leaders.

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