Reduce Stress and Burn Fat with Vitamin C- Thomas DeLauer

Reduce Stress and Burn Fat with Vitamin C- Thomas DeLauer

Vitamin C is just one of the many BASIC vitamins that doesn’t get enough attention, learn more at

We’re always told that you can take vitamin C when you’re sick or when you got a cold or when you’ve got the flu and it’s going to help you fight the illness and get over it quicker, but no one’s ever really looking outside the box and looking at what other uses we can use vitamin C for, at least in the business world for those of us that are living a high-stress life and are trying to balance work, family, health, and all that.

First, let’s take a little look at what vitamin C does and exactly why it can be a benefit to you in this particular case. Before I dive into vitamin C, I have to talk a little bit about cortisol, which I talk about in a lot of my videos. I talk about how cortisol stimulates the release of adrenaline, epinephrine, norepinephrine, all those hormones and those basically neurotransmitters that are going to make you in that fight or flight response. They’re going to make you have to fight for something or run away and basically not be able to focus on the work that really needs to be focused on.

Well, what vitamin C does is it actually blunts the cortisol, or more so, it blunts the effect of cortisol on the body. Simply by taking some vitamin C in a mega dose, your body can fight the cortisol and b in a better position to make executive decisions and to make the right progress in the gym and at home and in the kitchen. When it comes down to psychology and how you feel and how your stress levels are and how you can focus, there’s even been a study out of Germany that took 1,000 test subjects, 500 of them, they were given a placebo, and the other 500 we’re given high doses of vitamin C.

Well, all 1,000 of those participants or those subjects were going into a public speaking arrangement. They were going into a position where they were going to be speaking in front of a lot of people, something that was going to be unnerving and stressful. The test subjects that took the vitamin C had markedly lower serum cortisol levels than the others. Now the other interesting thing is those that took vitamin C also had about a 30% reduction in their heart rate. What this means is that vitamin C had a direct correlation with reducing cortisol and reducing stress.
What does this mean to you and what can you do? Simply put, mega dose some vitamin C. Take 500 milligrams with every meal, and don’t worry about overdosing on it because vitamin C is water-soluble and whatever your body doesn’t use, your kidneys are just going to excrete out. If you can keep a constant flow of vitamin C through the body, you’re going to constantly be reducing that carbon footprint that cortisol is leaving on your body, and let’s face it, as someone that’s working all the time, someone that’s focusing on business, someone that’s trying to juggle all aspects of life, you are constantly stressed, and if you can combat it with a little bit of vitamin C, you’re going to be more focused in the office, able to focus on what needs to be focused on to get the job done and to get paid.

You’re going to have more energy, more energy in the gym, more energy to focus on what needs to be done in the gym. You’re going to feel better and not stressed out so you’re going to make better decisions at home in the kitchen. Most of all, you’re going to have that sense of well-being that’s going to skyrocket you into a new level of success where you feel confident, feel good about yourself, and never having to focus on that multitasking mode where you can’t get the job done.

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