Vitamin Supplements for Cancer

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We develop and offer online technology that finds the scientifically best match of nutrition (food and supplements) for you. As and when there are changes in genetics, lifestyle, and treatment; you can get updated personalized nutrition.

Physicians make decisions on treatments for cancer patients based on guidelines. Patients choose and consume nutrition which can potentially interact with the treatment and negate its effect.

The addon technology feature On Treatment personalizes nutrition to take and avoid for the cancer type and ongoing treatment. The objective via nutrition is to avoid nutrition-treatment interactions which increase cellular factors promoting the disease.

Justin: Oh Hey Doc, didn’t see you there…

Doc: Justin, good to see you. How is your mother holding up, chemotherapy is always tough…

Justin: Yes, that is why I am here actually. Just buying a bunch of natural foods and vitamins for her. Even if they don’t help her, they can’t possibly harm her right?

Doc: Actually Justin, contrary to popular belief, a random consumption of nutrition can actually prove to work against one’s chemotherapy and should be taken with extreme caution.

When it comes to cancer, everything should be personalized based on the patient’s lifestyle, cancer type, and genetics. For example, Vitamin A you have in your cart has shown to help decrease rates of Skin Cancer…

However, Vitamin A, which contains beta carotene, can actually increase the chance of lung cancer for smokers, like your mother. Hence I would recommend against her taking it…

It is all about building a personalized balance between your chemo and nutrition which is why I recommend to take a personalized nutrition test so you know exactly what nutrition to take and what to avoid…

Justin: Thanks Doc, I had no idea. I will make sure to do a personalized nutrition test from today itself!


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