This Simple Drink Will Clear Mucus From Your Lungs & Give An Instant Boost To Your Immune System

This Simple Drink Will Clear Mucus From Your Lungs & Give An Instant Boost To Your Immune System

Chest congestion is common during the winter season and can be a rather uncomfortable experience with symptoms including tightness in the chest, coughing, shortness of breath or a runny nose. There are several home remedies that can be used to bring relief and treat chest congestion.

Ginger lemon and honey:
Ginger helps relieve coughs and soothes your airways, while working wonders to dislodge stubborn mucus.
Lemon contains vitamin C which helps in boosting immunity.
Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties, perfect if you have a sore throat or cold and are clogged up with phlegm.

Source: Some renowned websites from google like avogel .ca, timesnownews, healthline, medicalnewstoday, indiantimes etc.

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