Why You Should Drink Green Juice Everyday | Benefits of Juicing

why you should drink green juice regularly? If you are a fitness lover, then you must have heard about the health benefits of adding green leafy veggies to your diet so many times before. Same way, green juices are a rich source of healthy fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients. Also, packed with natural minerals, vitamins, folate, Vitamin C, potassium, and much more.

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Drinking green juice is one of the biggest health and wellness trends of the last decade. Here you will know some important benefits of green juice, which will inspire you to add it to your routine.

Green vegetables are a rich source of healthy fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients. Also, packed with natural minerals, vitamins, folate, Vitamin C, potassium, and much more.


00:00 – why you drink green juice
00:50 – what is green juice
01:30 – Alkalizes the Body
02:14 – Hydrates well your Body
02:41 – Good for Gut Health
03:05 – Improves Energy Levels
03:24 – benefits for skin
03:44 – high nutrients
04:02 – helps in weight loss
04:28 – Energizing juice recipe

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