How To Boost Immunity During Winters ?

“How To Boost Immunity During Winters ?

Winters are around the corner and it is time to start preparing yourself for the brutal weather and low temperature. In addition to wearing extra layers of clothes, it is important to take some other necessary steps to strengthen the immune system and prevent yourself from getting sick.

Well, This is ‘Now You Know’ and in this video, we will tell you “”How To Boost Immunity During Winters ?””

1. Drink herbal tea- Who doesn’t like a hot cup of tea on a cold winter day? Well, to get extra benefits, try drinking herbal tea or adding certain herbs to your regular tea. Herbs are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that keep us healthy and refreshed. Herbal teas have antibacterial properties and help in keeping the immune system strong.
2. Spend time in the sun- Try to spend at least an hour in the sun. Staying under the sun lets you absorb Vitamin D which plays a huge role in keeping the defense system strong. It is important to have a strong immune response that provides front line defense. Vitamin D also protects against overreaction by the immune system.
3. Exercise daily- A sedentary lifestyle is the major cause of many chronic illnesses. Exercising daily keeps us active and helps in improving cardiovascular health by maintaining weight and reducing blood pressure. It also strengthens the immune system by keeping off various diseases and illnesses. So, follow these tips and take care of your health.For more such videos, keep watching ‘Now You Know’

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Tags: how to boost immune system, how to boost immunity, immunity boosting foods, how to increase immunity power, immune system, how to boost immune system naturally,”