Ben Fuchs: Alternate Perspectives On COVID

Ben discusses natural strategies to support your immune system, points out that many Health Care workers are refusing the vaccines and explains how mRNA vaccines work. Jonty looks at some of the numbers including the CDC’s November estimate that CODIV-19 cases could be approaching 100 million and what that would mean for naturally acquired herd immunity.

Given the public attention devoted to this topic, we have provided several links for those interested in some of the information we’re using to form our opinions.

Government Model Suggests U.S. COVID-19 Cases Could Be Approaching 100 Million

Path to Herd Immunity – COVID-19 Vaccine Projections

“The transmission of respiratory infections such as SARS-CoV-2 from the infected to the susceptible is an indoor phenomenon,” the researchers concluded.

CDC: More than 5,000 COVID-19 vaccine recipients have reportedly suffered “health impact event”

Vaccine rollout hits snag as health workers balk at shots

95 Percent of Americans Killed by COVID-19 Were 50 or Older

Lines of urns in Wuhan prompt questions about the veracity of China’s COVID-19 death toll

“US researchers have now say China’s official number of fatalities during the pandemic lacks credibility. ”

CFR, IFR, and You: What is the true COVID-19 death rate?

“current best estimate about viral transmission and disease severity in the United States”

“The CFR is the total number of deaths divided by the total number of people that have the disease’s symptoms. In contrast, the IFR is the total number of deaths divided by the total number of people that carry the infection.”

“What the data say about asymptomatic COVID infections”

“Searching for people who are asymptomatic yet infectious is like searching for needles that appear and reappear transiently in haystacks, particularly when rates are falling.”

Vitamin D, Large scale studies

Second Vitamin D clinical trial, positive results

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