how to increase immunity | how to boost immune system | how to strengthen immune system

The role of our #immunesystem is to protect us from any foreign substance that could harm the body.

These foreign substances are also known as antigens. #Antigens include #bacteria, #viruses, #parasites, and #fungi. When those organisms are found in the body, they trigger the immune system, which, in return, try to destroy the antigen with various mechanisms.

Our #innateimmunesystemis the first responder of our body, which includes our skin, immune system cells, and some chemicals in our blood.

The #adaptiveimmunesystem remembers the antigen and can send immune cells that will specifically attack that type of antigen.

#Vaccines helps us to fight as adaptive immune system. Kids are given vaccines so that it is easier to fight when we encounter with antigen.

We should maintain a #healthylifestyle in order to strengthen our immune system. It is imperative to maintain a healthy lifestyle for our physical and mental health.

Let’s look at some of the things you should avoid in your life to boost your immune system:

#Alcohol is a toxin that can cause a lot of inflammation in the body. To prevent that defense mechanism from being activated, you should avoid drinking alcohol. When you drink, you decrease your immune system’s ability to fight off the harmful bacteria and put yourself at more risk of getting sick.

#Smoking puts you at higher susceptibility to lung infections like pneumonia. To increase the efficiency of your immune system, you should avoid smoking at all costs.

#Stress is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to getting sick.

Anything that comes in a box, in the freezer section of the store or a can, should be avoided; unless you are 100% sure that no sugar or salt is added
to the food.

Food is essential to our body to work optimally. We get most of the nutrients and antioxidants we need from fruits and vegetables.

Our body has more chances of absorbing what it needs when you eat fresh whole foods.

#Leafygreens, #nuts, #citrusfruits are all excellent choices of foods that are high in nutrients and antioxidants that are known to boost your immune.


Brazil nuts are at the top of our list because it is one of the most reliable sources of selenium. #Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is one of the essential minerals for our health and immunity. Just one nut can provide up
to 96 micrograms (mcg), which is already above the daily recommendation.
The daily intake recommendation is 55 micrograms of selenium for an adult.

Fish and, more specifically, tuna is an excellent source of selenium. One ounce of tuna can provide around 30 mcg of selenium. Salmon is also a good choice to help the immune system. It contains a lot of “healthy fat” (omega-3), which is known to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risks of heart disease.

If you eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, lentils are a great substitute to fish.
One cup of lentils can provide around 6 mcg of selenium. They are also a
good source of immune-boosting.

Sunflower seeds are very high in vitamin E. One ounce can provide 76% of
your daily intake, which is 15 milligrams. #VitaminE is also a potent antioxidant like selenium, which help fight infection since it enhances the immune system.

Since #yogurt contains #liveculture or #probiotics, it is a great way to help us fight bacteria by bringing good bacteria in the body and help improve digestion.


Broccoli is rich in #antioxidant vitamins, and one serving contributes to a third of the daily intake recommended for vitamin A.

Not only does carrot contain vitamins A, B, C, and E, it also contains #zinc.
Zinc is known to be an essential mineral for the health of our immune system. If the body is deficient in nutrients like zinc, it weakens the immune system and makes viruses stronger.

Garlic has the ability, according to some research, to keep a cold at bay. Some studies even demonstrate that individuals who were living with cancer were able to boost their immune system by increasing their intake of garlic.

Spinach is a significant source of vitamin C but also contains vitamin E. It is
essential to keep it raw to ensure that you get all the nutrients from it. You can add it to a salad or a sandwich.

If you are trying to increase your intake of vitamin A, sweet potato is the one ingredient you need. One serving contains more than three times the daily recommendation of vitamin A and is also full of other good antioxidants.

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#immunityfoods #foodtoincreaseimmunity #foodsthatboostyourimmunesystem #howtoincreaseimmunity #howtoimproveimmunity #howtoboostimmunesystemnaturally