Decentralized finance – DeFi. Xylitol destroys viruses. Vitamin D and ivermectin in EU.

“Robinhood Releases Statement Saying Stock Trading In GME Restarts Friday”

There are decentralized marketplaces now:

A lot of trade already:

Who needs politicians?

Belgian push for ivermectin and vitamin D:

Anti-viral Potential of Xylitol nasal spray

Biden’s friend and former prime minister of Sweden is working for CCP:

If you want to know anything about the immune system, Dr Shiva is the right person to listen to:
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The mRNA “Vaccine.” What It Is & How It Works:

How the billionaires have fun with us:
“We will see more anger in da worlt”

Le Pen has grown and might defeat Macron in 2022:

Az Update – Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Playing Games – But We will get at REAL Audit soon:

Scott Adams uses an interesting technique were he just clearly explains the position of the moronic opposition to his views:

In my ongoing effort to avoid being cancelled, I hereby agree that an absence of court-approved proof of election fraud is proof it did not happen, courts are the ideal place for those challenges, software systems are unhackable, and full election transparency already exists.

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