How Homeopathic Medicines can help prevent COVID-19 infection – Antivirals & Immunity Boosters!

In this video, Dr. Anu Kant Goyal has covered the topic of COVID-19 -the Coronavirus, which is a grave concern of the healthcare departments, and the government of the whole world.

Hundreds of thousands of people died and suffered from these diseases, and every day new cases of Coronavirus is coming to our knowledge. Countries like the United Kingdom are now facing a new strain of the Coronavirus. This pandemic has not only caused the loss of human life, but also the economies globally.
People are still expecting to get effective vaccine and medicine options for the treatment of Coronavirus. In the middle of sincere efforts by scientists and doctors, and pharmaceutical companies to come up with an effective treatment for COVID-19, Homeopathy has once again been proved to be an effective and safer option for treating the symptoms of Coronavirus in patients.
COVID-19, as evidence shows, is a genetically modified virus and is posing a severe threat to the health of an individual, the community, and the whole world. It can transmit from one person to the other via droplets, hence called ‘droplet infection’.
Excel Pharma is helping the community stay healthy amid the Coronavirus pandemic with their Homeopathic medicines. 
Ever since the foundation of Homeopathy, it has been successful in addressing and treating diseases, which are left untreated or are considered incurable in all other systems of medicines.

Coronavirus is no exception. Even, the Govt. of India has suggested taking Arsenic album for patients suffering from COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Anu Kant, in this video, is also telling us about various Homeopathic medicines, which are used to cure a cold and flu, and many other infections. As the symptoms of Coronavirus is also somewhat like that of flu, a combination of these Homeopathic medicines are used to treat the symptoms of the virus and is also helpful in regaining health.
Since Homeopathy also works on the principles of the ‘Law of Symptom Similarity’, a number of Homeopathic medicines are found to be acting and effectively treating viral infections including Coronavirus. The following list contains branded Homeopathic Medicines for the treatment of Coronavirus and its symptoms:

E-Immune Drops (AKG-12): The main constituents of E-Immune drops are Echinacea purpurea, Phytolacca, and Thuja occidentalis mother tinctures. This medicine upgrades immunity. It means it not only helps fight viral disease but also has an additive effect when given in combination with other medicines. E-Immune drops are an effective and preventive Homeopathic remedy for COVID-19 infection.

E-Viralim Drops (AKG-67): E-Viralime is another Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of viral diseases and is also effective in treating the symptoms of Coronavirus.

E-Cold N Flu Drops (AKG-47): For the past 8 years, E-Cold and Flu drops have been successfully treating patients of cold and flu and the related symptoms, like cough, sneeze, chest congestion, body aches, etc. This branded medicine is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for treating COVID-19 symptoms.

Call us for a consultation and order our medicines online.
Phone number: (+91) 9216215214

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