Covid19 vaccine alternatives. Are vitamins useful? | MBA CHIROPRACTIC

Covid19 vaccine alternatives. Are vitamins useful? Hey everybody this is Dr. Ben. I”m a chiropractor working in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Recent news reports about people dying after receiving the covid19 vaccine has generated a lot of controversy. So for example in Norway, a group of people received the vaccine died. and in India, a 42 year old died after getting the covid19 vaccine. Let me deconstruct everything for you. Legal disclaimer: I’m a chiropractor, not a medical doctor, not a medical specialist and you should always consult your medical doctor or medical specialist.

Let’s look at the facts who are the people who died from covid19. Data from the Ministry of Health Italy March 2020 shows that they were mostly elderly aged 70 and above and they also had existing conditions or illnesses also known as comorbidities for example diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease. So this means that for this group of people so even without getting a covid19 infection they’ll probably not survive very long due to the existing conditions.

Now let’s take a look at who died after receiving the covid19 vaccine. Data from Norway shows that they were elderly aged 70 and above and they also had an existing condition. So we look at the latest news, the Norway health officials have come up with some newer guidelines for covid19 vaccine. In other words, the doctor has to weigh the benefits versus the risk of vaccinating elderly and frail people. Now i know some of you all are really skeptical. What about medical doctor Dr. Gregory Michael in America? He died after receiving the covid19 vaccine. According to official reports, he suffered a stroke due to having low platelet count or thrombocytopenia. So the question is did he have a genetic disorder and you can only verify that by doing a DNA test or is the platelet drop directly due to the vaccine? This is a question which we do not have the answer. We need further investigation.

Can taking supplements prevent you from getting covid19? Until now we do not know the answer but but but we do know that the majority of covid19 patients had low levels of vitamin D. So this means that if you are able to increase your levels of vitamin D that probably will give you a fighting chance against this covid19 virus. We have a lot more information about what to consume after being diagnosed with covid19. So this is where we are clinical trials using zinc, vitamin D, selenium, etc.

Have you had your vitamin supplements today? So the reports suggest that taking some of these supplements to lessen the severity of covid19 symptoms. what do you mean by that? covid19 virus can attack your heart, your lungs, your kidney and cause a lot of damage but besides that scientists also suggest that a lot of this damage could also be collateral damage. Why? Because your immune system is trying to fight this virus and so during the process it generates a lot of inflammation and all these chemical messages generated by your immune system you call them cytokines produce like a storm, so it’s kind of like a boxing match so you so you can imagine many days many weeks of this inflammation sustained inflammation what will happen that creates a lot of collateral damage. just like during a time of war what happens is that civilians from both sides get injured there’s collateral damage so likewise your immune system might generate some collateral damage damaging some of the internal organs of your body and added on with the covid19 virus which can attack various organs in your body that creates a lot of damage.

From the research it suggests that vitamin D and glutathione they are effective in calming this cytokine storm. Glutathione, Asian ladies you would have heard of glutathione as a skin whitening agent, skin brightening agent but that’s not all. Glutathione is actually a very effective antioxidant it fights again oxidative stress. My preference is to consume sublingual tablets. Why? Anytime you consume sublingual supplements, it goes straight into your body. You don’t need to go through your gut, you do not need to go through your gut, your digestive system, you go straight into your body. It’s fast, fast action and better absorption. Sublingual supplements are a lot more expensive so for example here I have Oxytion but you get what you pay for. As you can probably guess there are very few manufacturers of sublingual supplements. Why? Probably it’s more difficult to manufacture compared to the conventional way.

That’s all, this is Dr. Ben chiropractor in Petaling Jaya.

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