Webinar #38 | “Are the COVID-19 Vaccines Safe?”

The University of the Philippines
in partnership with
UP Manila NIH National Telehealth Center
and in cooperation with
UP Philippine General Hospital

Webinar #38 “Are the COVID-19 Vaccines Safe?”
January 29, 2021 (Friday) 12nn
Dr. Antonio Miguel Dans
Professor, UP College of Medicine
Spokesperson, Healthcare Professions Alliance Against COVID-19

Dr. Enrique Tayag
Epidemiologist and Public Health Expert
Director IV, DOH-KMITS

Dr. Anna Ong Lim
Member, DOH-Technical Advisory Group
Associate Professor, UP College of Medicine
President, Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines

Opening Remarks:
Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa
Executive Vice President
University of the Philippines
Special Adviser, National Task Force on COVID-19

Closing Remarks:
Dr. Carmencita D. Padilla
University of the Philippines Manila

Webinar #38 “Are the COVID-19 Vaccines Safe?”
January 29, 2021

Special Topic
It is understandable that the public is concerned about the safety of the COVID-19
vaccines. Afterall, the vaccines are new. There are several vaccines and it can be
confusing. The length of time a vaccinated person can be protected is not completely
known. Clinical trials are still on-going.
On the other hand, in a pandemic — the vaccine – even in limited numbers — can become a
‘game changer’ – especially for health workers who are constantly exposed to SARSCoV2
and who must continue to take care of the sick. In the first round of vaccinations, health
care workers can avail of the vaccine. How safe are the vaccines for healthcare workers?
At one point does immunity kick-in? Can a health worker who is vaccinated still get
infected? Can health workers who are vaccinated now go safely home to their families?
In this webinar, we will talk about safety of the COVID-19 vaccines. We will talk about
the vaccine itself, but beyond that we will talk about: the processes that ensure safe use of
vaccines, monitoring of possible side effects or adverse reactions, the overall benefits of
being vaccinated.
Join us for another informative Webinar as Dr. Antonio Dans of UP PGH will talk about
the processes for ensuring safety, while Dr. Eric Tayag of the Department of Health will
discuss what a vaccine can do for health workers, with Dr Anna Ong Lim, infectious
disease expert from UP PGH as reactor to the two speakers.
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Connected.
Together we can STOP COVID DEATHS!