Update and Brazil report

Curfew riots

9 pm to 4.30 am

Bars and restaurants closed since October

Schools and non-essential shops shut since December

Cases going down

National Institute for Health (RIVM) warned another new variant powered wave

Filipa in Portugal

The situation in Portugal is horrible

We are now in lockdown but until last week the Government insisted in keeping schools open…

We are staying at home for a year working from home because I never trusted our numbers.

And yet the planes keep coming and the Hospitals at 300 per cent occupation rate.


US, CDC data

Past 7 days

Global vaccine tracker

UK vaccine tracker

US vaccine tracker

Europe vaccine tracker


Brazil variant

Minnesota resident with recent travel history to Brazil.

Anthony Fauci

We have concern about the mutation that’s in South Africa

It is clearly different and more ominous than the one in the U.K.

Mr. Biden

1.5 million per day

I think with the grace of God . . . we’ll be able to get that to 1.5 million a day

(Now close to 1 million per day)

By spring, everyone who wants a vaccine should be able to get one.

It’s going to be a logistical challenge that exceeds anything we’ve ever tried in this country, but I think we can do that

I feel confident that by summer we’re going to be well on our way to heading toward herd immunity. I feel good about where we’re going, and I think we can get it done

We will still be talking about this into the summer

We’re still going to be dealing with this issue in the early fall

Death toll could rise to 600,000 or even 660,000

In week after 2nd Pfizer shot, 20 of 128,000 Israelis get COVID

0.015 %

Professor Cyrille Cohen, Immunologist, Bar Ilan University

Israel, general population, around 0.65% are infected in a week

Imperfect control group

Vaccine is slightly exceeding 95% effectiveness

Anat Ekka Zohar, Analyst

None of the 20 hospitalized or suffered from a fever higher than 38.5 degrees

EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides

Pfizer 61% reduction, down to 31 m

This new schedule is not acceptable to the European Union

EU, €336 million ($409 million)

EU move requiring drugmakers to preregister all vaccine exports,

Oxford AZ approval, 29th January, starting 15th February


Population, 7 million

Inactivated, two-dose vaccine from Sinopharm

One million doses, 79.3% effective

China, Bahrain, Brazil, Peru