YouTips Forum Question & Answer – Grow Hair Long w/ Vitamin B, Exercise Ideas, and More…..

Hi, this is my second in a series of YouTips Forum videos where I answer questions from viewers regarding topics I cover in my videos. So please review my videos, and if you have any questions or suggestions on my topics or related content, please send me a personal message. If I think it will benefit others, I will answer your questions in a video for everyone to benefit. Don’t worry I will not mention your username or name; questions will be anonymous that’s why I suggest you send me a personal message through YouTube and not use the comments area for this purpose. In this video I cover growing your hair longer, whitening your teeth naturally, nails, skin and more. Please subscribe because I will be giving first priority to my subscribers’ questions. Your comments on my videos are always welcome as well. Thanks so much for viewing my video!

If you’re looking for a great multi vitamin and you’re under 50:

If you’re over 50 and would like a multi vitamin recommendation suitable if you are over 50, this is a great one:

If you would like a good B Complex Vitamin:

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