Irish Freedom Party offers solutions to end draconian Govt lockdown – Hermann Kelly

We have been ahead of the political establishment on Covid strategy since the start of this crisis. For example, we called for travel bans early last year on incoming travel to slow the spread of the virus from Northern Italy. That would have given us more time to prepare.
Since May 2020 the party has called for the distribution of Vitamin D and zinc supplements to boost the human immune system to help people from catching the virus and beating it off if they do.
Simple prevention boosters such as Vitamin D and Zinc supplements build up immunity to catching COVID19….yet barely a word until recently even though its been proven a long time that both help boost the body’s natural immune system.
Only now is the medical establishment in Ireland recently talking of a similar strategy with Vitamin D – .




The party advocated the importance of medical treatment for coronavirus, suggesting the Early use of low dose Hydroxychloroquine and zinc.
We note now Trump has gone Hydroxychloroquine has become popular for use in USA again
[ BMC Infectious Diseases
Hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of outpatients with mildly symptomatic COVID-19: a multi-center observational study

The American Journal of Medicine
Volume 134, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 16-22
Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection

American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in 152 outpatients with confirmed COVID-19: A pilot observational study

Statement of Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD on Hydroxychloroquine
Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health

It is a scandal that very sick people are in some instances given only oxygen, steroids and antibiotics to treat the symptoms rather than deal with the viral cause of Covid19. We note that the WHO is becoming more positive about the use of drug Ivermectin and its efficacy when taken early as in India and this deserves closer consideration.
Irish Freedom Party Chairwoman Prof Dolores Cahill who has a PHD in immunology has since May 2020 recommended the use of Vitamin D and Zinc to help reduce the severity and deaths associated with Covid.

Our overall strategy is based around ‘focused protection’. It would enable us to protect the most vulnerable while keeping the economy open and our freedoms intact. We cannot just close the country down any time there is a virus. This severe lockdown will haunt us for years to come. There will be a huge mental and physical health toll which will lead to significant excess deaths in Ireland in the years ahead.
Whatever happened to “flatten the curve” and give us space in hospitals?
It has became flatten the economy, destroy natural freedoms, and demoralise a people. And for what? A COVID19 infection fatality rate of 0.23% (WHO)
We are opposed to the government lockdown both because it is an attack on our natural freedoms to work, travel and see our families, and also because general mandated lockdowns are ineffective against Covid19.  
[A Stanford University study claims mandatory stay-at-home orders and business closures have “no clear, significant beneficial effect” on Covid-19 case growth and may even lead to more frequent infections in nursing homes.
The peer reviewed study was published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation on January 5, and analysed coronavirus case growth in 10 countries in early 2020.

Simplistic destructive lockdowns do enormous damage and are unsustainable.

The Irish Freedom Party offers practical solutions while the Government offers fear, lockdown and unemployment. And as for suggested lack of hospital places today, the situation was much worse in January 2020 so we need to keep things in perspective.