7 Things That Happen To Your Body When You’re Not Getting Vitamin D

Have you been getting your vitamin D lately? You’re lying! Over a billion people worldwide are estimated to have low Vitamin D in their blood. Around 41% of U.S. adults are deficient. While this isn’t the majority of people, there’s still a major chance you’re part of this statistic.

Also known as the “sunshine vitamin”, Vitamin D is crucial to your health. Since most us have been locked inside the last few months, we’re not getting the exposure we need. Let’s about What Happens To Your Body When You’re Not Getting Vitamin D. Do you get back pain? Do your wounds heal slower? Wait, can you really lose your hair? We’re talking all that AND more…

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#Vitamin #VitaminD #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Hair Loss – 0:35
Depression – 1:45
Your Wounds Won’t Heal – 2:36
Back Pain – 3:21
Bone Loss – 4:33
Muscle Pain – 5:15
You’re Always Tired – 6:08


Hair Loss

That’s right, we’re kicking things off with one of the more depressing symptoms. If you aren’t getting your proper Vitamin D, your hair is going to suffer. And trust me, you’re going to notice quicker than you think.


Another sign of Vitamin D deficiency is a decline in your mood. You’re going to get depressed. Given everything going on in the world, it’s hard not to feel down at times. But lack of vitamins only makes it worse. Studies have shown an association between depression in older adults and a lack of vitamin D.

Your Wounds Won’t Heal

Imagine falling and scraping your knee. Your wound is bleeding like crazy and you’re doing everything in your power to stop it. What if the wound just never seemed to heal? If this is the case, you have a Vitamin D deficiency.

Back Pain

You ever felt like you needed to get a load off your back? That’s not just a figure of speech you know. Sometimes, it feels like you’ve been carrying something heavy when really your back is in severe pain. Vitamin D deficiency is often the problem.

Bone Loss

Speaking of bone pain, lack of Vitamin D also results in you losing your bones. Remember how I said Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium? When a person experiences bone loss, their doctor will normally point out that their calcium levels are low. This is usually a sign that you are also lagging on Vitamin D.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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