COVID-19 illustration : What Happens when you Get Infected with Corona Virus | New Strains | Vaccine

Corona virus infection or COVID-19 , is a contagious viral infection that affects primarily your throat and lungs .
Inside the virus , genetic materials contain information to make more copies of its self .
A protein shell provides a hard protective enclosure for the genetic materials as the virus travel between the people it infects .
An outer envelope allows the virus to infect cells by merging with the cell’s outer membrane .
Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli.
Your airways trap germs and foreign particles in the mucous that is naturally secreted into the tubes , that is :
the bronchioles , the bronchi and the trachea in response to those foreign particles .
In a healthy person there are hair-like structures called cilia lining the tubes .
These cilia constantly push the mucous and germs upward to the trachea and the larynx.
This induces a cough reflex and we then cough out and expel the mucous with these germs.
Normally your immune system will produce immune cells such as interleukins abbreviated as IL’s to attack viruses and germs that escape the mucous and cilia of the tubes to enter your alveoli .
If your immune system is weakened as in the case of a corona virus infection .
The virus can overwhelm your immune cells .
This will cause enormous inflammation of your bronchioles and alveoli as your immune system attempts to attack the multiplying viruses.
This inflammation can cause your alveoli to fill with fluid .
The space within the alveoli is where gas exchange takes place so if it is filled with fluid then the exchange of gases will be severely affected .

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