Boost Immune System – Healthy Shake GUT HEALTH and FIGHT DISEASE

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Venue: Kind Kitchen
IG: @Dietician.Celia @MindBonnieSoul @Bonnieschan.

Sharing 3 healthy drink recipes
1) Bonnie’s Healthy Beauty Superdrink
2) Gut Health and Boost Immune System
3) Fight disease and Boost Immune System
How you can get all vitamin C you need in just one drink?

I cannot stress enough how important vitamin C is to our body. It can boost our immunity, heal our wounds, make our skin glows, slow down ageing, prevent cardiovascular diseases and the list goes on…Adults are recommended to take 75-90mg vitamin C every day, but how we can achieve this amount in just one drink? Do you know what fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C? I am going to share with you two smoothie recipes that include food with highest vitamin C, kiwi and bell pepper.

For your information, one kiwi (~76g) provides around 70mg of vitamin C whereas one yellow bell pepper (~120g) provides around 220mg. By drinking one of the smoothies below, you can easily achieve your daily requirement.

Happy Gut Smoothie
* Kiwi 1 pc
* Yellow Bell Paper 1/3 pc
* Califia Farms Probiotic Dairy Free Yoghurt Drink Mango 1/2 bottle
* Califia Farms Barista Blend Oat Milk 1/2 cup
* Acai Powder 1/2 pack

Immunity Boosting Smoothie
* Kiwi 1 pc
* Yellow Bell Pepper 1/3 pc
* Califia Farms Barista Blend Oat Milk 1 cup
* Ginger 2 thin slices
* Turmeric 1/4 tsp

Written by Celia Lau