
5:35 – Hi Dave, I know you don’t advocate for dairy in someone’s diet because of lactose question is if someone doesn’t have issues with assimilation of dairy why is it so bad? Sugar free no fat Greek yogurt, low fat cheese, skim milk. The healthier selections. Thanks
7:53 – What’s going to make your new preworkout unique compared to most on the market?
10:40 – Why did we do away with the “I hate this show” segment?
11:55 – What do you think about Samir Bannout’s statement? He said that he has never done Cardio when he was preparing for 1983 Mr Olympia. Is it possible to have such a shredded and conditioned physique without Cardio?
13:25 – Best ways to lower creatinine and urea levels.
16:19 – So after I see dr Blau. For Gyno surgery. Is there any reason to ever take an AI or nolva for estro blocking or any other reason during a cycle? Or will jus like some testolyze be enough?
17:45 – Good idea to supplement with vitamin k2 if you are taking higher amounts of vitamin D3?
20:05 – What can one do in addition to Himalayan salt to improve oxidation or body or Himalayan salt is useless in this case
21:55 – Does insulin promote intra muscular fat, if so is this why we saw better conditioning in the 90s.
24:25 – Can you explain the rate in which glycogen is stored in the muscle. Say after eating a 100+ carb meal?
26:11 – What do you think of the future of myostatin inhibition in bodybuilding?
27:51 – Does Illia Golem use PMMA or what you think is the muscle filler he is using?
29:22 – How often did Dave change his workouts, whats the longest time he stuck to same exercises on one body part?
32:29 – Would it be safe to say if Arnold was in this era, with the evolution of drugs, training and diet in general, he would dominate?

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