YouTube working out

A #diverse #outdoor #recreation #system #contributes to #community #capital by #providing a #high #quality of #life #for #residents. With #increasing #urbanization, #communities are #continuously #seeking #new #ways to #provide #outdoor #spaces and #activities to #residents, and #outdoor #exercise is one #ideal #option. #Outdoor #Adult #Fitness #Parks can be #located by new and #existing #recreation #centers, allowing #users to #exercise while #enjoying #natural and #designed #landscapes in an #open #air #environment.

Well-defined and #innovative #Outdoor #Adult #Fitness #Parks can #serve a #diverse #range of users #while also #contributing to #overall #community #health. The 2010 CDC State Indicator Report on Physical Activity shows 80% of #US #Census #Blocks do not have #workout #options within a half mile, yet #Outdoor #Adult #Fitness #Parks can be placed #almost #anywhere; #therefore, #going a #long #way #towards #reducing this #access #barrier.

#Make #Exercise #Fun
#The #addition of #nature and #fresh #air #helps #make #exercising #fun and #therefore more #effective. #Combining #outdoor #exercise, #natural #light and #sensory #stimulation has a “ #salutogenic ” #effect: #reducing #stress and #encouraging #healthy #behaviors.

Are Eco-friendly
#Equipment used in #Outdoor Adult #Fitness #Parks requires no #electricity, is low #maintenance, and uses very #little #human #resources. A #majority of the #materials #used in their #construction, #including #aluminum, #steel, and #sustainable #plastics, are #recyclable. The minimal impact on the natural #environment is #attractive to the #developer, the #funder, and the end user, and many #participants may #link #positive #environmental #contribution with #greater #enjoyment of #exercise.

#Promote #Friendships
People who use Outdoor Adult Fitness Parks often #socialize #while #exercising, #strengthening #community and #interpersonal #relationships. These relationships may then support increased use as #participants more readily #interact with each other, offering #encouragement, #motivation, and #support.

Are #Available to #Everyone
#Though there are numerous indoor #fitness options, they can be #costly and inconvenient. Outdoor Adult Fitness Parks can remove these barriers, which is #especially attractive in lower income #neighborhoods. In fact, #residents of high-poverty counties in the U.S. have obesity rates 145% greater than those in wealthy counties. By increasing the number of Outdoor Adult Fitness Parks available, especially in underserved communities, there is increased likelihood of creating positive change in overall fitness and health.

#Improve #Health
Regular #physical activity is #essential to #health and longevity. Many people report preferring exercising outdoors, which may also have a greater effect on mental and physical well-being. Outdoor exercise is also rated as being more restorative compared to indoors since natural environments reduce emotional and physiological stress. Exercising outdoors provides all the physical benefits of indoor exercise (blood flow, improved cardiovascular health, improved strength, flexibility, endurance, etc.) and can also provide vital exposure to sunlight that increases important levels of vitamin D, unlike indoor exercise.