#Covid19 Update #longhaulers Building your immune system:{Life with Covid} Our Story

Our entire family had #Coronavirus #Covid19
My husband was hit the hardest. He has been referred to a neurologist.

The Grandbaby was hospitalized. We are taking one day at a time. I continue to Pray first of all , take all of my supplements and my prescription medications.
Suggestions for you to help build your immune system.
Take walks outside when you can. ( Natural Vitamin D) #vitaminD
If you feel pain try to keep moving to keep your lungs clear.

As promised I am providing my tea recipe
1tsp of ginger
1 1 turmeric tea
1 tsp of honey
1 ice fresh garlic
Boil water and lemon slices
Sweeten to taste
Drink as needed and nightly

Take Tylenol as needed
Get lots of rest and stay away from stress during this time if you have been diagnosed with Covid.

Seek medical attention if you have increased problems breathing as I am not a medical professional.

Drink plenty of fluids and eat even if you don’t feel like it.

Purchase an PulseOximeter from Amazon or download from the App Store

I purchased the ginger mix at Trader Joe’s
Hopefully these tips will help you on your journey.

Watch for more information on Coronavirus

Watch “why Covid19 is killing black people” a report from a nurse

Grab your Mask (Macy’s)

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Twitter , IG & Facebook @Livingwellwithnora