Sepsivac: Boosting Immunity against COVID-19 | Episode 14

CSIR along with Cadilla Pharmaceutical has repurposed an approved immunomodulator Sepsivac to enhance innate Immunity of the body . This will help in limiting the spread of Covid-19 and fasten the recovery of patients. Randomised and controlled clinical trials approved by DCGI are being conducted at three institutes – PGIMER Chandigarh , AIIMS Bhopal and AIIMS Delhi . In this episode we will discuss in detail all aspects of Sepsivac.

1-Dr. Ram Vishwakarma, Director of CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrated Medicine (IIIM)
2- Dr. Sarman Singh ,Director AIIMS Bhopal

Anchor: Vishal Dahiya

Producer: Saumya Singh