Blues Busting Tools for Depressed Writers

As winter drags on, even the happiest writers can become depressed writers.

I felt it coming on in mid-November: that sluggish, tired feeling that often plagues me during these cold, gray months.

We humans need the sun. It not only helps our skin make vitamin D (critical for good health), but it also signals the release of hormones tied to energy, appetite, and good mood. During the long winter months when we don’t get as much exposure to the sun, we begin to envy the bears—we’d rather curl up in a cave and sleep the cold away.

Who says we have to be bears? We can be Arctic foxes and hares, darting about and getting things done. This video shows you three ways you can overcome the winter blues to do just that.

Link to Light Therapy Lamp on Amazon:

Link to “Overwhelmed Writer Rescue:”

Stock Video Credits:
Sad dog: Video by Louai Munajim from Pexels
Stress: Video by cottonbro from Pexels
Eye Close up: Video by José Lizardo from Pexels

Music: www.bensound.com