Vitamins | Components of Human Food | Class 9 | Chapter 8 | Try and Gain

Vitamins | Components of Human Food | Class 9 | Chapter 8 | Try and Gain

Chapter 8: Nutrition
Topic: Components of Human Food, Proteins, vtamins, vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D

This lecture is especially recorded for 9th class students Punjab Board. The purpose of this lecture is to facilitate students , so they can clear all their doubts about the topic and can clarify their concepts.

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After go through the lecture, the students will be able to know about the topic and will have clear concept about nutrition, components of human food, vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, their funtion, their sources and deficiency symptoms.

Vitamins are the chemical compoundas which are required in less quantity but are essential for normal body functioning.
There are two types of vitamins. Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.

Vitamins A are obtained from leafy vegetables, yellow fruits, fish, liver, egg, milk aand butter. They help in vision in dim light, cell differentiation and in growth and immunity. their dificiency cauuse poor grwoth, blindness and dry skin.

Vitamin C may be obtained from citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, beef liver. Their function in body is collagen formation, healing of wounds and in immune system. Their dificiency may cause scurvey disease, poor growth and in bleeding of gums.

Vitamin D obtained from fish liver oil, milk, ghee, and butter. They help in maintenance of calcium and phosphorus. Their diciency may cause rickets in children and osteomalcia in adults.
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