Corona Virus Offerings by Sadhguru to boost Immunity Introduction

The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases have been rising exponentially. It has spread significantly worldwide since it first emerged in China in December 2019, making it a global pandemic, per the World Health Organization (WHO). With over a million people already infected and over 60 thousand deaths, this is unlike what anyone of us in this generation has ever seen. Managing COVID-19 is already placing considerable pressures on health-care systems and many countries are beginning to give up.

Scientists are forecasting that it could wipe out up to 10% of the Human population. That’s over 700 million people.

The Virus has spread across nationalities and does not differentiate on the basis of wealth, status, ideologies or belief systems. In a way we are all united in our suffering and together we can defeat it.

In these unusually challenging times of a global pandemic, having a robust immune system and a well functioning respiratory system are of paramount importance. Most of us are experiencing dramatic changes in our daily lives. In such a situation, it is even more vital to enhance our exuberance, inner balance, and wellbeing, so we can be a strong and uplifting support to everyone around us.

Here is an offering from Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic and humanitarian to help us all deal with this outbreak to the best of our capabilities….

Coronavirus|Offerings by Sadhguru:

Use a 40-Day Sadhana (Tools for Spiritual Growth) to create more vibrancy and stability in your life.

Learn a simple but extremely potent Yogic Process from antiquity to Boost Immunity and Enhance Lung Capacity

Enhance your inner balance, and instill exuberance so you can be at our best in every way needed.

Valuable health tips to strengthen your system and maintain fitness and wellbeing throughout this trying period.

Introduce a measure of calming reassurance into your lives by beginning a daily meditation and adding a yoga practice to your routine

Learn a powerful chant to increase the Samat- Prana and Ushma- leading to a stronger Immune system and overall mental balance.

Food Recommendations to build a body resistant to infections.

Also, learn about the Proactive and precautionary measures that you can take to combat the deadly virus.

All this and more…

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is making very clear that we are all mortal. Human life is indeed fragile. An invisible microorganism can end our lives and disturb everything that we have built over the years. But it need not be so. While panic can lead to the situation worsening for each one of us, what is instead required is that we respond to this consciously to the best of our abilities to limit the fatalities.

What else can you do:

The greatest thing that we can do is to stay alive. Staying alive and keeping all those around us alive is the fundamental responsibility

The virus requires humans for transmission not some mosquito or some other insect. We are the carriers for the virus. So we need to ensure Social Distancing, even among friends and family.

Make sure that you don’t get infected and in case you are infected, you do not pass it on to someone else.

If possible, reach out to the lesser privileged ones and offer assistance, monetary, food etc. whatever you are capable of.

Stay calm (as much as you can!)

And it is important that whether it is our Medical Situation, our Health Situation, our Social situation or our Financial Situation, we do not unnecessarily react to it or panic; lets consciously respond. We can build it back later.

Though we cannot control outside situations, what we make out of it is 100% within our control. When a great challenge is thrown at us, that is the time to stand up and prove what we are made of. Let us ensure that this pandemic does not transform itself into a major calamity for this generation.

What you’ll learn
Strengthen your Immune System as a preparation
Learn how you can Reduce Anxiety and stress during this pandemic
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
None. A willingness to take charge of your Immunity and Health is all.
Who this course is for:
If you would like to boost your Immune System and Enhance your Lung capacity
If you want to reduce anxiety, stress and panic due to the global pandemic
If you want balance, clarity and a sense of purpose during these tough times.
If you want to be able to assist not only yourself but those around you navigate through situations.
if you want to instill a sense of resolve and a calming reassurance
If you want to be ready to fight against Corona if it decides to come your way.
If you would like to learn about the various measures that you can take, and
If you want to make the best possible use of this Global Lockdown.