As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, my mandate is to help YOU achieve OPTIMAL HEALTH, through Nutrition and Lifestyle recommendations. I personally believe there needs to be MORE emphasis in the media on ways to STRENGTHEN your body and Immune System NATURALLY, to help prevent disease, and promote Health and RECOVERY!!! This video segment will focus on STRENGTHENING you IMMUNE SYSTEM:
1. What to REMOVE, to reduce inflammation (we want our bodies to become more ALKALINE!!!)
2. What to ADD IN, to give your body a high level of NUTRIENTS, and specifically STRENGTHEN IMMUNE FUNCTION
3. Basic SUPPLEMENTATION (Disclaimer: please ALWAYS check with your Doctor or Health Care Practitioner before starting ANY supplements! There could be contraindications)
4. Lifestyle considerations, to help keep Immune Function STRONG!!!
This is not n exhaustive list, but I hope you can find one or two things to implement into YOUR LIFE, for OPTIMAL HEALTH, and STRONG IMMUNITY!!! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel, so you don’t miss ANY of my Workouts or HEALTH HACKS THIS YEAR!!! Sending you healing energy🙏, and wishing you HEALTH and HAPPINESS for 2021!!!💪😊❤️