Veronica Jayne: Top Supplements For Disease Prevention And Longevity

Q: What are the the top most potent and effective plants for preventing and fighting all disease and ageing?
A: This is an expansive topic for the QM to address as there is no one substance that can improve everything, but it indicates the following (check this video’s description for a transcription of all this information; you can copy and paste it/print it out if desired):

Diet and plant-based supplements:
* green leafy vegetables
* citrus based foods
* melons
* dandelion root
* garlic
* onion
* cherry juice
* grape juice
* pumpkin seeds
* Shilajit – this “black tar” mentioned here was asked about in a previous Q&A, and is suggested here as a general tonic and good for physical conditioning.

Individual supplements (fortification and immune system boosters):
* vitamin C
* iodine
* magnesium
* chromium
* potassium
* zinc
* calcium
* vitamin D

Balancing the body holistically includes proper and adequate:
* food intake
* elimination
* physical exercise
* meditation
* supplementation

* Baking soda (for alkalizing, also known as sodium bicarbonate)
* Herbal teas now and then (from seeds or roots)
* The QM sees a brown tonic made in the Middle East consisting of roots + herbs + powdered minerals- like a Bedouin family recipe; the QM sees this tonic to still exist
* Immersing oneself in good, healthy soil is mentioned (also called ‘mud therapy’), as described. Soil is moist and packed down a bit. This helps to impart to the body a healthy frequency or vibration. In Atlantean times this was a remedy used in conjunction with the (artificially grown) crystals to amplify the effect, as well as prayers, rituals, and focused intent of other people watching the process
This is a Quantum Meditation research session by Veronica Jayne Lovely, a student of Dr. Douglas James Cottrell. In a typical session clients ask about their health, business, personal relationships, spirituality, or practically any other topic. Veronica can be emailed at; her website is

If you are unfamiliar with Quantum Meditation, it is the same deep trance meditation technique practiced by the late Edgar Cayce almost a century ago. For further information on the QM technique, Douglas James Cottrell’s website is:

NOTE: the information seen in this video has been obtained through psychic or clairvoyant sources. This source should not be considered a medical, financial, historical or any other authority and the information must be used in a reasonable and practical manner.