Christianity and the COVID Vaccine – Part 1 – Immune Function

Trying to decide whether or not to get the COVID Vaccine? In this video, Dr. Marcum provides insights on immune function as it relates to vaccines, setting up the larger discussion on Christianity and the COVID Vaccine, to be discussed in parts 2 and 3 of this series.

There are steps you can take today to reduce your risk of a compromised immune system, and even ways to improve it! This series isn’t telling you whether or not to take the vaccine, but rather providing guidance to help lead you to an informed decision, as you’re led by the Holy Spirit. We pray that God intervenes and speaks to your heart, leading you down the path He’s laid out for you.

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Looking for parts 2 and 3 of this series? You’re in luck!

00:00 – 04:04 – The Big Picture
04:05 – 08:42 – Immune Function
08:43 – 11:34 – How To Improve Your Immune Function


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Books By Dr. James L. Marcum(founder of Biblical Prescriptions for Life)
The Ultimate Prescription: What the Medical Profession Isn’t Telling You

Medicines That Kill: The Truth about the Hidden Epidemic

Biblical Prescriptions for Life: Discovering the Ultimate Physician’s secret to Health and Healing
