Role of Vitamin D in diseases with particular reference to COVID infections.

It is about one hundred years that we have started knowing a lot about medicine, although humans have been on this planet for thousands of years.

Vitamins are identified a few decades ago; Vit D in 1943. Institute of Medicine (IOM) has recommended daily allowance (RDA), which is considered by many experts as far too low. Many of us are taking doses ten times higher than RDA.

Vit D is considered safer than many other medications, it is cheap, and tests are easy.

Everyone must under their doctor’s advice get themselves tested for Vit D levels in the blood and take supplements as advised by the doctor.

Bottom line is that possibility of benefit is large and the possibility of harm is very little, so why not?

Here are the links for you to study:
Studies at Andalusia in Spain::

Vaccine tracker:

Worldometers: COVID case and death tracker:

The Vitamin D Council,

Good luck and best wishes.