I think it’s important for this information to be heard, I don’t have any sources for this information I’m going to provide, but
in mid-September (around the 10th) several posts showed up on Liveleak and Reddit talking about a virus that was likely going to cause a global outbreak.

The posts mentioned that there was going to be a “leak” of a man-made pathogen that was smuggled out of Fort Detrick in the US by two scientists, one Canadian and one Chinese.

They took the virus to Manitoba, Canada, either Brandon, or Winnipeg, and they were apparently almost captured/arrested but they managed to get on
a flight to Wuhan level-4 virology lab where the virus was set to be released intentionally. One of the two scientists had apparently already been in trouble for stealing or smuggling a virus.

These events were followed by videos a week or two later with the seemingly healthy men/women that were dropping dead and causing panic in Wuhan. A few of those videos surfaced, and about a week after there was a video from a citizen of Wuhan on their balcony yelling down at some group of possibly military or government folks, saying “it’s all fake. It’s all fake.”

This was around the 2nd or 3rd week of October 2019. The liveleak video was entitled Word from Wuhan: Possible man-made pathogen with fast-mutating highly contagious respiratory virus, or similar, but it was taken down shortly after it was posted. The main thing and the most important detail of all of this was that Vitamin C is supposed to be the cure, and they made it very clear that this is the most effective treatment and preventative.

I have a feeling if people look into this information they will find connections that back up what I’m saying, as the posts were genuine and the information was consistent up until the point that it was seemingly wiped from the forums before there was any media mention of the virus in China or North America or otherwise.

This is all based off my recollection of these posts and unfortunately I have no sources or screenshots to back up what I’m saying, but I believe there’s truth to it, I’m just not smart enough to do anything more about it other than sharing it with anyone that will listen.

Thanks for watching, please like and share this video with doctors and scientists and whoever else may find it of value.