15 Weeks Pregnant / Fitness Pregnancy Nutrition, Weight Gain, & Intermittent Fasting While Pregnant

I’m 15 weeks pregnant and it’s a girl! I’ll talk about an overview of my first trimester experience and symptoms, pregnancy nutrition, ideal foods to eat, foods to avoid, what my pregnancy nutritionist had to ad, weight gain, controversies about eating more while pregnant, and intermittent fasting while pregnant.

In my upcoming video, I’ll talk about heavy lifting while pregnant and my workout regimen. Then I’ll share Chinese nutrition pregnancy.

How I Transformed My Body And Broke The Diet Cycle:

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Hi I’m Mimi! My goal is to help you discover new ideas & strategies to apply to your own eating and fitness goals.

EAT Not Diet helps struggling gym-goers get a confident toned body and break free from vicious dieting to live a healthy powerful life through the Eat Not Diet Freedom Method.

BIO: Founder & CEO of EAT Not Diet, 3x Nationally Qualified Bodybuilder in NPC Figure Division, Netflix Ultimate Beastmaster Team USA, NBC American Ninja Warrior, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Certified Coach Practitioner – Lifestyle Wellness, Huffington Post Blogger, Team BPI Sports YouTube Reviews, and Fitness Model with 17 yrs experience as a food loving meathead 🙂 Isopure “More Than Muscle” Semifinalist. Transformation Winner for Hydroxycut Nutrition and Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazine. Featured in FLEX Bodybuilding Magazine and Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Magazine.

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Schedule: Bi-weekly on Wednesdays. Additional videos periodically.