6 Things Your Hair Says About Your Health

6 Things Your Hair Says About Your Health.

Your hair can let you and your doctor know whether you’re stressed, have a nutritional deficiency, a thyroid problem, or other health issues. Here are six key things to look for in your locks.

1. Split ends: You’re dehydrated.

Water makes up almost 25 percent of the weight of a single strand of hair.Think of your hair like a plant. If you give it all the right things, it will grow beautifully.

If you find that the ends of your hair could use a little extra hydration, start from the the inside and work on getting the recommended eight eight-ounce cups of water each day.

2. Itchy scalp: You have a zinc deficiency.

Hair needs a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to grow. Zinc is one of these essential trace elements. That’s because “zinc helps our bodies to process carbohydrates, fats, and proteins–the building blocks of hair.” As a result, having low levels of zinc could cause an otherwise healthy scalp to become persistently itchy.

3. Premature grays: You have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Low vitamin B12 levels are notorious for causing loss of hair pigment. To prevent your strands from sliding down the grayscale, eat more food that’s high in vitamin B12—like tuna and salmon—or pop in a vitamin supplement…….
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