chapter 4 how your immune system works

The food that you eat is so important for your body and your immune system. You derive most of the
antioxidants and nutrients that your body needs from eating the right things. A good diet to boost
your immune system and sustain it at high levels will always include the right fruits and vegetables for
Your diet needs to provide you with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and selenium. You are
very unlikely to find these in processed foods unless they have been enriched with them. It is far
better for you and your immune system to go for whole foods that are fresh.
Some good examples are citrus fruits, nuts and leafy green vegetables. These foods have high levels of
the antioxidants and nutrients that you require to give your immune system a great boost. So in this
chapter we will specifically point to the best foods for you to consume to bolster your immune system.