#Prana Mudra:The Mudra of Life. strengthen immunity., cures all diseases and good for eyes #

Prana Mudra:
Prana Mudra sparks off the root chakra and increments vital force..

steps to do:
——————–Sit down on a Yoga mat or on a chair in comfortable position and close your eyes….

join the tip of the ring finger and little finger with tip of the thumb finger.

Apply a gentle pressure on it..

Keep the remaining 2 fingers straight.

It can be done with both hands.

You can also place the back of your hands onto the knees

while doing this Mudra concentrate on breathing (inhale and exhale slowly).

Time Duration :
This Mudra is recommended to practice for 15 to 45 mins per day

Even can split up and do this Mudra 3times in a day for 15 mins each time.

This Mudra can be done at anytime and anywhere.

Key Benefits :
Makes to be feel energized.

Improves the vision and mobility of eyes.

Helps to strengthen the immune system.

Reduces the block in blood vessels and helpful to activate the veins.

Increases the vitamin consumption in the body.

It has special healing powers that can provide relief for prolonged illness

Beneficial for :
Brisk, Fitness , Eyes, Blood, and Bronchial diseases.

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