Vitamins for Hairloss

Please consult your doctor
About hairloss or vitamins. This is my personal opinion and what I have been taking for several years.

Vitamins help boost your immune symptom and fill any vitamin gaps you might have in your diet. Fresh fruit and veg are a great source. As are fortified cereals and bread.

Vitamins for healthy hair & skin:
Vitamin A – cell growth and production of sebum that moistures scalp and skin
Vitamin B (there are several)&Biotin – promote red blood cells and circulation of oxygen
Vitamin C – overall immune booster
Vitamin D – healthy skin & follicles (also sunlight is good source, try a daily walk)
Vitamin E – healthy hair & antioxidant
Iron – healthy blood cells, circulation and lack can cause anemia and hair loss. See your doctor, some have problems absorbing iron.
Zinc- healthy skin & oil glands
Fish Oil – help skin and circulation – contains omega-3 and vitamins

PCOS is the cause of my hairloss.
Calcium – healthy bones as PCOS can lead to osteoporosis or weak bones.
Cranberry supplement – ladies can be prone to bladder infections and this can help.

What specifically do I take?
– Walgreens Multi Vitamin for Women 50+
– Walgreens Fish Oil
– Walgreens Cranberry & Vitamin C
– Walgreens Melatonin Cherry for help sleeping

Note – if you are prone to allergies talk to your doctor and try adding vitamin one at a time to check for adverse reaction.

Vitamins don’t replace a healthy diet and exercise and sleeping well and reducing stress.