Best Immunity Booster tips # with English# Part 2#Oops so easy


To boost your immunity, you need to perform the below mentioned steps on daily basis . This practice must be performed in empty stomach,so best time is just after brushing your teeth at early morning.

STEP=1: Take 4 kalonji (Black Seeds) and chew it gently until you feel it’s taste , than drink 1 full glass of normal water.

STEP=2: Wait for half hour.

STEP=3: Take 1 tablespoon of side(Baire Honey) and mix well in full glass of water . Drink it SIP by SIP .

STEP=4: Wait for 1 hour.

STEP=5: Do breakfast.

STEP=6: Wait for 1 hour.

STEP=7: Take one or two fruit that contain vitamin C.

STEP=8: Take Beef/Meat/Fish once a week.


1: Make your habit of drink water always SIP by SIP and make sure to not breath inside the glass of water.

2: If you are having flu ,cous and cold take 6to10 kalonji.

3: Sunbath duration can be set according to UV Index value . Normally 15 to 20 minutes is enough.

4: 8 hours sleeping is necessary.

5:. Use Vitamin C on daily basis by eating fruits before afternoon.

6: Take Beef/Meat/Fish once a week. This helps in producing antibody once you are infected with any disease.

#immunity booster
#immunity system booster
#pervent against coronavirus