How To Keep Covid Away With Vitamin D Naturally(Hindi with English Subtitle): Col (Dr)Virendra Kumar

Had we known this fact that Corona can be countered with Vitamin D , things could have been different in India. Now we know that Vitamin D protects not only directly working as a physical barrier to the entry of covid Virus but also by acting as anti inflammatory and by being the immune booster in the body. Moreover it is so easily available. Corona kept the people indoor and when ever they came out , they were easy prey for Covid because of low Vitamin D concentration in the body. It can be easily manufactured in our body by exposure of UV rays which can come through sun rays. Cholesterol is converted into Vitamin D by U V Rays, it is such a simple process but we need to know how to expose ourselves to sun . Intake of Vitamin D rich is another option . Its always good to have multiple options. We discuss the ways to keep Corona away in natural way through Vitamin D.