What can be done to reverse hypothyroidism other than taking thyroid medicine?

Question: What can be done to reverse hypothyroidism other than taking thyroid medicine?

Chris: I’ll throw in a couple things. If you just look at the nutrients needed to make thyroid hormone, you’re looking at enough protein in addition to enough iodine. But then also the production of thyroid hormone is a very, very dirty process that requires an enormous amount of antioxidant support. Selenium is very important. But also, if you’re looking at antioxidant protection, you’re looking at not just things that we think of as dietary antioxidants. But you’re looking at protein, zinc, iron, copper, manganese in addition to selenium. You’re looking at vitamin C, vitamin E and a whole bunch, sort of a Pandora’s box that you’re opening up.

I think that probably the things that stand out the most are protein, iodine and selenium, but really you have a pretty big network of supportive nutrients in the background. Of course, everything I just said assumes that you’re missing something that you need to make thyroid hormone, which is not necessarily the case, but I covered part of it.

This Q&A can also be found as part of a much longer episode, here:

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DISCLAIMER: I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and my expertise is in performing and evaluating nutritional research. I am not a medical doctor and nothing herein is medical advice.

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