10 Effective Ways Of Getting The Most Nutrients From Food

What are the right pairings of foods that stimulate proper nutrient absorption? How does eating local produce help? What role does staying hydrated play in proper absorption? Today we will be talking about all this and more so stay tuned!

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#HealthyEating #NutritionTips #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Pair Vitamin C rich Food With Iron Rich Foods – 02:11
Include Healthy Fats In Every Meal – 03:03
Include Probiotics – 03:48
Eat Local Produce – 04:41
Don’t Overcook Vegetables – 05:11
Stay Hydrated – 05:54
Avoid Drinking Tea During Mealtimes – 06:48
Pair Vitamin D Rich Foods With Calcium Rich Foods – 07:32
Eat A Variety Of Foods In One Meal – 08:08
Make Some Lifestyle Changes – 08:54


1. Pair Vitamin C Rich Food With Iron Rich Food:
Let’s start by talking about the perfect food pair. Eating vitamin C and iron rich food together is much better than eating them alone. Iron is an important nutrient that contributes to proper bodily functions. Vitamin C also gets rid of harmful free radicals and ensures proper functioning of the immune system. The combination of these two can increase the amount of iron absorption from food especially from plant based sources.

2. Include Healthy Fats In Every Meal:
Healthy fats are found in foods like avocado, chia seeds, fatty fish and nuts. They are extremely good for heart health, lower the risk of developing disease and even regulate cholesterol levels. Your body needs these kinds of special fats to help absorb a host of vitamins and nutrients which you could be missing out on.

3. Include Probiotics:
Bacteria found in probiotics like yogurt have long been recognized for improving gut health and the digestive system. Research has been in favor of these helpful little critters, which, along with improving gut health, also increases the level of nutrient absorption which leads to improved immune function.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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