Ayurvedic Tips To Get Natural Glowing Skin

It is critical not only to take care of your health but also those around you during the pandemic outbreak.
Start with social distance. This will keep you safe, and those around you.
Secondly, wash your hands, and stop touching your face.
consider strategies to increase the immune system.
That means, walking, meditating, taking lots of fluids, having adequate rest-do whatever it takes to maintain the body safety.
By moving to an Ayurvedic lifestyle you will often lift the bar higher.

Immunity-Boosting And Skin Healing Drink
You’ll Need:
4-5 Fresh Tulsi (Holy Basil) Leaves,
1 tsp Honey
1/2 Lemon
1 glass of lukewarm water.
include only healthy ingredients that will help boost your immunity and improve your overall complexion.
crush the tulsi leaves in a mortar and pestle and add it in the glass.
Squeeze the lemon juice in the glass and pour the water.
Drizzle the honey as per your liking and stir it all together.
Drink this during any time, it is not necessary to be only in the morning.
You can have it during the even tea time.
Lemons are a major source of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is excellent for immunity and is important for our skin and bones to develop healthy collagen.
It also promotes iron absorption appropriately and reliably.
Lemons are the best way to reach the regular intake of vitamin C.
In addition to being a vitamin C storehouse, lemons are often filled with vitamin B6, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, flavonoids, antioxidants, and phosphorous.
Adding lemon to the diet can help prevent digestion and tummy problems at bay, such as constipation.
The cleansing of the digestive system together with purifying properties of the blood is established.
Honey has been used since ancient times as both food intake and medicine.
High-quality honey includes a significant number of essential antioxidants.
They contain amino acids, such as flavonoids, and phenolic compounds.
The antioxidant and antibacterial effects of Honey help strengthen the immune system and enhance immunity.
It is also an antioxidant engine and is very good at eliminating free radicals from the body.
Tulsi has linoleic acid and is of great help to the skin.
It is rich in antioxidants that tend to relieve stress and illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Body Massage Is Important
a balanced body is a strong one.
If you say, it is not as blissful as it feels to sit indoors.
Life worries, the family’s and friends’ wellbeing, the increase of COVID-19 cases every day they can all consume into your mental health.
What you need to do is breathe first-calm as soon as you can.
Taking a few long breathes in and out. Second, opt for a massage every day.
Take of the sunflower oil and sesame seed oil.
Both of these oils can calm and nourish the stressed muscles.
Do this for a calmer, healthier you, once in the morning and once in the night.
After a bath, you should use this to improve oil penetration into your skin.
Eat Wisely
Ayurveda says that you are what you eat.
To make an effective ayurvedic diet plan, you must know what’s your dosha first.
Everyone human being has three energies in them – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
When all 3 doshas are aligned and working properly our body remains healthy.
If there is a kind of imbalance, our immunity system, hair, and skin will be affected, and you’ll face problems such as inflammation, hair thinning, baldness, etc.
If you often feel too anxious and hyperactivity-impulsivity, it is Vata that you are most likable to have experienced dosha.
If the other two are dominated by that force, you may have trouble regulating your emotions.
Hot milk, hot cereals, herbal teas, butter, nuts, lean meat, and fresh fruits are foods you can find consuming to balance the energy and channel it for good.
If you get angry quickly, always get frustrated, short-tempered, and want to live life on your terms, and don’t want to compromise you are most likely to have dosha known is as Pitta.
If this energy overpowers the other two energies, you could have a problem with sleeping, heartburn, regular skin inflammations, hair fall, indigestion bloating, etc.
Foods that you should consider eating to stabilize your energy are pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, chickpeas, seafood, brown rice, sweet and bitter veggies.
If you feel lazy, you are suffering from overweight, and sleepy very often, you are most likely to have dosha known is as Kapha.
If this energy overpowers the other two, you could have a problem with regular skin inflammation like acne and breakouts, dry and dehydrated skin, dry and frizzy hair.
Foods that you should consider eating are slightly cooked or steamed veggies, corn, skim milk, lean meat, flaxseeds, and spices are good for your system. #skincare #beautytips