Do Plant-Based Diets Cause Nutritional Deficiencies? | Balanced Mythbusters Ep. 1

In episode 1 of the Balanced Mythbusters Series, we’re addressing a common concern about plant-based diets: does following a plant-based or plant-centered diet increase a person’s risk for nutrient deficiencies? Is it difficult to maintain adequate levels of vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, and vitamins D and B12? And we’ll also reveal the one essential nutrient that 97% of Americans are deficient in that hardly anyone is talking about!

About the series:
Welcome to the Balanced Mythbusters Series! In the few years since Balanced was founded, we’ve taken note of many of the nutrition questions we’ve gotten from you, our followers and advocates. In these weekly bite-sized videos, we hope to provide answers and dispel common myths based on our thorough research of the most current nutrition science. We’ll cover topics such as the Keto diet, animal versus plant protein, the diet-related disease epidemic, and much more.