My Story of Healthy Weight Loss. PART 8: My Daily Intake Of Vitamins

This is PART 8 of my Weight Loss Story in which I’ll tell you about my intake of vitamins from food and supplements.

8.1 My Daily Intake Of Vitamins From Food
Let’s see what my daily intake of vitamins from food I eat is.
I marked red all the vitamin deficiencies and overdose.
I am deficient in:
• Vitamin B3 (77% of DV)
• Vitamin B5 (50% of DV)
• Vitamin B1 (67% of DV)
• Vitamin B12 (69% of DV)
• Vitamin D (only 3% of DV)
• Vitamin E (61% of DV)
I have an overdose on:
• Vitamin K (357% of DV)

8.2 Vitamins In Multivitamin Supplements For Men 50+ (1 Caplet)
Because of vitamin deficiency from food I take vitamin supplements.
You can see on the table all the vitamins I can get from Multivitamin Supplements for 50+ Men.

8.3 My Daily Intake Of Vitamins From Food & Vitamin Supplements
Then I calculated what my combined daily intake of vitamins from Food & Vitamin Supplements is if I take 2 caplets/week.
As you can see, that completely eliminates all vitamin deficiencies, but makes the overdose on vitamin K even bigger!
Why did I decide on taking only 2 caplets/week? The alternatives (daily or 3 pills/week) would’ve been too much.
As you can see on the table, all vitamin B deficiencies I was lacking from food, are now eliminated due to vitamin supplements.
Let’s see if the remaining vitamin deficiencies and overdose pose any health risk and if they do, what I can do about it.

8.4 Overdose on Vitamin A?
As you see, I ended up having an overdose on Vitamin A getting 5,287IU or 529% of DV in total, including:
• 500% of DV in food and
• 29% of DV in supplements.
I need to explain this is the overdose of 529% only vis-à-vis the RDA:
• Nutrition Value Calculator’s DV is 6 times the RDA amount (5,000IU vs. 756IU)
• there is only a 5% overdose vis-à-vis the Nutrition Value Calculator’s DV.
Let’s check it all out from other internet sources.

8.5 Vitamin A: Max Dose
According to WebMD:
• Vitamin A is LIKELY SAFE for most people in amounts less than 10,000IU (3,000mcg) daily.
This max daily dose of 10,000IU/3,000mcg tells us that:
• we are NOT to exceed it to be safe and
• that such huge dose, still being safe, provides NO extra benefits above the RDA dose.
So, I’ll stay on the Vitamin A intake of 5,287IU considering that 5,000IU come from the food source.

8.6 Overdose on Vitamin K?
As you see, I greatly overdose on Vitamin K getting 462mcg or 386% of DV in total, including:
• 357% of DV in food and
• 29% of DV in supplements.
Is there any problem? Let’s look into that.

8.7 Vitamin K Max Daily Intake
According to the UK NHS:
• adults need 1mcg/day of vitamin K for each kilogram of their body weight (so, the 70-kg male would need 70mcg/day only)
• “taking 1mg (1 mg = 1,000mcg) or less of vitamin K supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm”.
My daily intake of Vitamin K is around 500mcg or half a milligram.
Though, I believe, the implication of what NHS means is that:
• you need to get enough of vitamin K
• but if you overdose, then up to 1mg or 1000mcg is still safe.
I’ll show in the next slide why and how I overdose on Vitamin K.

8.8 Foods Rich With Vitamin K
According to Healthline, there are at least 20 Foods High in Vitamin K .
Look at the slide where I listed 4 food items I eat daily high in vitamin K (spinach, broccoli, cabbage, chicken) and their portions.
As you can see, my daily intake of vitamin K only out of those 4 food products amounts to 131% of DV.