Hot Tea Based On A Herbal Combination To Fight Sars Cov-1, May Help Fight Sars-Cov-2

Hot Tea Based On A Herbal Combination To Fight Sars Cov-1, May Help Fight Sars-Cov-2

The tea is based on a herbal combination I found in a paper called “Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): first indication of efficacy of Gene-Eden-VIR/Novirin in SARS-CoV-2 infection”. I happened to search for anything that may help fight the Coronavirus at the time, and this was in late March of 2020.

The paper by Hanan Polansky stressed that “Gene-Eden-VIR/Novirin is a patented herbal broad-spectrum antiviral treatment. Its formula includes five ingredients, comprising a 100 mg extract of quercetin, a 150 mg extract of green tea, a 50 mg extract of cinnamon, a 25 mg extract of liquorice and 100 μg of selenium. Clinical trials have shown that Gene-Eden- VIR/Novirin is effective against several viruses including human papillomavirus [3] , herpes simplex virus [4] , Epstein–Barr virus and human cytomegalovirus. Here we review the evidence on the effect of the five ingredients in Gene-Eden-VIR/Novirin on Betacoronaviruses and specifically the SARS-CoV virus.

I tried cinnamon, but then read that selenium and tumeric combined were successful in fighting cancer, and so started using tumeric rather than cinnamon. Also for green tea, I order a shipment of Edible Green Tea from

What I can report is that I made this tea not so much for myself as for my 86-year-old mother, who I am staying with here in Georgia to help her, even as I have kept my residence in Oakland for business reasons. However, I would not make something for her that I would not use myself, so the mixture is used really more by me than she, of late. Since I go out and run errands for her, I need to make sure my immune system is strong, even as I take daily showers, use hand sanitizer, and wear a mask.

I hope you try the tea. So far, we have not had the most severe symptoms of the virus, such that a hospital visit was necessary. But, I also want to stress the need to maintain a diet low in fat, and heavy with fruits and vegetables. We also do not consume alcohol on a regular basis, or even weekly. Wine is used more for cooking than for drinking. That’s not to come off as attacking anyone who has a cocktail now and then; I am just stressing the need to protect your immune system.

Stay tuned.