how to stay physically and mentally healthy while traveling during covid-19

As a holistic health coach, when traveling during covid-19 I have a arsenal of things I bring and tricks I use to stay healthy and keep my immunity really strong! As I’m immunocomprimised and work with others that are as well, I have been implementing these things for years now and they have reallyyy become handy during these times!
P.S. how to stay calm when 10 kids are staying in the room next to you…

Here’s the products I bring with me when traveling, these are great for road trips and flights!
Disinfectant spray
Travel diffuser
Digest Zen oil
Fennel oil
Illume Classic oil blend
Illume Classic balm
Peppermint oil
Thyme oil
Mandarin oil (very uplifting!)
Epsom salts (I put a cup in a travel bag)
Bath ball water filter
Quanta CBD cream (when you’re traveling to cbd friendly states!)
Sovereign Silver
Oil of Oregano
Zinc Sulfate
Defendershield blue blocking glasses