@ Home Fitness w/ Coach A – Day 300

Day 300 – Aerobic Focus
– January 9, 2021 –

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[ Warmup ]
2:00 Cardio Warmup
– then –
3 Rounds:
20 Shoulder Tap
10 Squat + Rotation
20 Band Pull Apart
10 Dislocates

[ Workout ]
“DB Kalsu”
100 DB Thruster For Time:
Weight @ 40/25’s
*Perform 5 Burpee EMOM starting at 60 seconds!

Explanation @ 0:00
Demonstration @ 3:10
Modifications @ 3:10

[ Recovery ]
1:00R + 1:00L Trap Smash
1:00R + 1:00L Pec Smash
1:00R + 1:00L Overhead Stretch

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